Monday, March 9, 2015

Relationships and the Effect of Social Media

I can personally relate to Noah’s interactions. Facebook is a dangerous place for relationships. In my freshman year in high school, I started to date a boy that was two years older than me. I can personally admit to being jealous from girls commenting or liking my ex-boyfriends pictures and statuses. Everyone girl and guy has felt this way and it would be a lie if someone said they have never had that feeling. Like Noah, some of the girls that would “like” his posts I did not really know. This meant I would either Facebook stalk her, ask my friends about her. I never wanted to ask my boyfriend at the time because there was a notion that boys did not like girls that were jealous and it made me afraid to ask.  It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, it was that I really liked him and was afraid of getting hurt. It wasn’t until he was going off to college where I actually starting getting sketched out about the girls on his Facebook page. One week he was being very sketchy and I was afraid he was cheating on me so I almost logged into his account. It wasn’t until after a long conversation with my friends to convince me that doing that would cause more harm than good.  I realized if I didn’t trust him that much why would I do something just as sketchy?

From the video and my personal experience social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc. has harmed relationships with people off line. Why do I think this? Well it is because of the green eyed monster or jealously. Jealously makes people do crazy things such as hacking onto people’s accounts, hiring a private investigator, or even murder. From my personal experience I learned that if you are that insecure with your relationship where you take drastic measures like hacking onto someone’s account you obviously will not ever trust them. I also think it is so sad how we cannot or are afraid to communicate with our partners today because of the stigmas or misinterpretations social media has created. Today we text, FaceTime, skype, Facebook message, tweet, and so much more to communicate but we rarely actually call someone. When someone just writes a message it could be read in 1000 different ways depending on what you are feeling or what the situation is. If we were to call someone, it would be much easier to figure out their mood or feelings by the tone in their voice. As much as I enjoy social media, I think it complicates things such as relationships.

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