Monday, March 2, 2015

Biohacking- the Good or the Bad?

A world that has normalized biohacking, I believe does not look like how you would normally see in movies. There wouldn’t be flying cars, it wouldn’t be all metal buildings, or chaos. With technology advancing more and more each day, I see the normalized biohacking world to look similar to the present time.
Biohacking would be used for numerous things. One of important things biohacking could be used for is in the medical field. When people who get amputations, usually they are given a prosthetic leg or arm. With biohacking, amputees are now able to have a robotic leg that moves and functions like a normal person. This would decrease the rehabilitation time in recovery compared to when learning how to walk on a prosthetic. Another beneficial biohacking would be a DNA synthesis. This could help repair parts of the DNA that have manipulations such as when there is a cancer genome or they are missing chromosomes. The fact that this could be done and help correct defects that limit success is extraordinary! Lastly there could be biohacking that helps the blind see. This could be revolutionary. People who have never seen anything in their life could be opened up to a brand new world.
Our world society would be different but I think it would change in a good ways and bad.  There could be more and more opportunities for students and teachers in the teaching environment. Computers will be more technology advanced, so students will mostly learn on computers but I believe it would be interactive. For example, when the teacher writes on her computer it appears on everyone’s in the class and each student could participate. I think that would be very interesting and make the classroom more interactive!
The government would also become strict because of the advances in this technology. There would have to be laws concerning hacking for the internet. With the strict national securities that we have with already, I could not imagine how it would be in the biohacking world. Also there would be laws concerning how you can pay or be covered for doing biohacking procedures. Insurance is already again a complicated thing in our world today, with complicated procedures, I contemplate how “co-pays” would work.

I am excited to see how the world would be once biohacking is a normal thing. To see how medical and technological advance for good things such as DNA modification or robotic legs/arms would be awesome. I would like to imagine that the society would improve but at the same time I am afraid biohacking could be used for the worst.  We will never know until the time comes..

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